Musing of a verbose mind. It borders on all that takes a skeptical and highly critical view of whatever is happening or has happened in our world..... do read it and post your comments..... discourse is welcome.....

Salutes for whom?

Posted on Thursday, September 10, 2009 | By Gautam | In

A gleaming black Merc S-class stops in front of the gate. The guard at the gate jumps off his seat (literally), opens the gate and what follows is something which I would term as utterly disgusting. The guard actually salutes the person sitting inside the car. Now the distinguished citizen inside the car was definitely not the President of India nor was he associated to the defense forces (or his car would have declared so!!!). The disgusting part? That the salute is now cheap enough to be available for every tom-dick-or-harry who has the coffers to buy obscenely expensive cars or so to say for people who are rich.

Now I'm not biased against the riches. But the salute should be reserved only for our armed forces. These so called educated and responsible citizens should apply their common sense(?) and ask these guards not to indulge in saluting. Poor souls do it to feed the egos of their shameless pay-masters. This act stinks of feudalism and of the worst kind. Standing up in respect for someone is acceptable. But to go ahead one step as to expect salutes is simply inexcusable. Are the corporate head honchos who are battling in the boardrooms doing such an gallant act as to merit a salute? I don't think so.

Feudal tendencies still rule the roost in free India.....

Comments (1)

I liked it .. U have an awesome style of writing ....
Salutes have really become cheap these days's done for the heck of it and hardly for showing respect .