Musing of a verbose mind. It borders on all that takes a skeptical and highly critical view of whatever is happening or has happened in our world..... do read it and post your comments..... discourse is welcome.....

Shahrukh or Amir.....

Posted on Monday, August 03, 2009 | By Gautam | In

Statutory Warning: Do not read the article if you are a Shahrukh or an Amir fan/ die-hard fan.

A few days ago a heated and intense debate ensued between my friends in which yours truly was involved. The subject of the discussion was not world peace or the American imperialism or even the current recession (phew! What a relief!!). It was something that may come across to you as trivial, but the implications of which has a bearing on all of us.

Of all the questions in this world, we set out on an ordeal to find out who is a better actor- Shahrukh or Amir! And suddenly the whole world was divided into two camps (much like the cold war era..... well not quite, but anyways.....). The allegiances were decided and the legions set off for a war of words, a war that left warriors bruised and battered (mentally though!). Both the camps tried their level best to convert the other camp into following and worshiping the actor/ hero that they like. But as is the case, loyals seldom change their stance. Eventually everyone retired for the night as sleep had overtaken their love for debating.

Here is my take on the things-
  • Matters related to stuff that appeals to one's aesthetic sense should not be subjected to debate. A person engrossed in Picasso's cubism may very well hate Van Gogh's realism and vice-versa. To each unto his own.....
  • To support one's claim, awards must not be the yardstick. We all know how Alfred the master of suspense Hitchcock never won an Oscar.
  • People also must not thrust their choices down someone's throat.
  • Popularity may not be the best yardstick. However we must learn to respect the choice that millions of other people have already made.
Shahrukh or Amir. The debate may go on endlessly without any possible or plausible outcome. What we can do though in the meantime is to confine matters relating to one's aesthetics to the choice that person had made and move on.....

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